Developing Good Study Habits
The routines that you get into for studying are really important. Most of us aren’t just students but also full-time and part-time workers. Adding family responsibilities to the mix can make our lives seem even more hectic. How do we juggle it all? Learning to prioritize and balance out your time is an invaluable life skill. Here are a few things to consider for developing successful study habits:
Map it out:
Studies have found that creating a schedule holds us more accountable for getting things done. To improve your productivity, begin a schedule by making a list of your test subjects, mapping out your assignments, and setting goals. To prevent getting too overwhelmed, break these goals down into smaller daily tasks and write them down in a planner or notebook. You can also motivate yourself by highlighting or checking them off your list once complete. These kinds of habits will help keep your priorities clear and provide you with a sense of accomplishment!
Time of Day:
Are you a morning person or a night owl? If it’s possible to coordinate with your outside schedule, studying at the same time of day has been found to be helpful. It is most important, however, to schedule the time of day when you know you will be the least distracted.
We all function differently. Studying in the right environment can make all the difference with your academic results. Some of us love urban places with lots of noise; others prefer a quiet room with no one in sight. Only you know what’s best for you. If you feel chained to your desk, changing up the pace of things and studying in more than one spot can help significantly. It all comes down to being honest with yourself and knowing your weaknesses. If you get drowsy when reading, avoid doing it in bed. If your phone or social media distracts you easily, remove yourself from the grid for an hour or two.
Breaks are meant to clear your mind. Take short breaks to help your brain digest and process information. A great way to study is to focus on the material for 40-50 minutes and then step away for 10 minutes. Regular exercise also helps improve your concentration- maybe take a walk or even just step outside for a breath of fresh air. Just be sure to not make these breaks too long- you don’t want to fall totally out of your study flow.
If at any time you are feeling confused or unsure about a subject, always ask questions! Never be afraid of your instructors. They are there to help and are some of the best resources you can use. Often times, just talking about a topic or having a conversation about it will help you better understand the material!
Hopefully some of these study tips could be of use to you. Remember, when developing good study habits, it’s all about balance and creating a routine. Don’t forget to reward yourself from time to time and enjoy life outside of your textbooks!