Mother & Son Bond Over the Art of Computer Programming
An ed2go story by Nimpa A:
Who would have thought that taking an ed2go online course would strengthen the bond between a mother and son?
A few months ago, my son, a rising sophomore at Harvard University, came home for the summer. As an undeclared student, he decided to take the Introduction to C++ Programming course to see if computer programming was in his destiny. I decided to take the course, too. I earned a BA Degree in Computer Science, but I haven’t programmed in over 18 years! So, my son and I registered for the ed2go online course to make discoveries for him and to bring back past passions for me.
We chose ed2go because they offered courses that were relevant to today’s demands in the computer industry. We also chose ed2go because we had the freedom to study at our own pace. We progressed through each chapter, earnestly. Sometimes, I secretly competed with my son and raced through the chapters while he was at his internship. After each quiz, I always asked him what he scored and if my score was higher, I boasted relentlessly! If I didn’t earn a perfect score, I re-took the quiz. I really liked this option.
I also learned a lot from the communications in the Interactive Student Discussion Area. Reading the communications satisfied my need for classroom discussions. My son read every word that our instructor, Jeffrey Kent, wrote. He chuckled at Kent’s interjections and corny jokes. Kent’s wit made the online class more personal. My son absorbed Kent’s definitions of compilers, algorithms, For Loops, and other terminology. His explanations were very thorough and detailed.
At the end of the course, my son and I did quite well on the final. (Maybe my son was secretly competing with me too!). We bonded intellectually through this ed2go course and it made our summer more memorable. He returned to Harvard in the fall and decided to major in Chemical and Physical Biology, but he will continue to take a few more computer-programming classes to complement his major. For me, after taking the ed2go course, I realized that I still have the passion for writing code. In fact, I might delve into the computer industry again. Thanks ed2go!
-Nimpa A.